Please fill out and submit the below time sheet daily. Please make sure that all information is accurate! If you have worked at more than three jobs sites in a day, please fill out and submit as many forms per day, as needed, to properly track your work.

 Thank you,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Management


Daily Time Sheet


Total Hours:


Lead Technician's Name:

Starting Vehicle Mileage:      Ending Vehicle Mileage:

Filled Up Today: Yes   No

Oil Checked: OK   Added

Job Name:    Start Time:   Stop Time:   Total Time:

Task Performed:

Travel Time to Next Job: 

Job Name:   

Start Time:  

Stop Time:   

Total Time:

Task Performed:

Travel Time to Next Job:

Job Name:    Start Time:    Stop Time:    Total Time:

Task Performed:

Travel Time to Next Job:   Start Time:    Stop Time:    Total Time:


By signing this timesheet and checking the appropriate box(es), you are reporting whether or not you were injured in a work-related accident, and whether or not you witnessed a work-related accident during the course of your employment during the time frame indicated above. Also, check the appropriate box to indicate that you have reported any accidents or injuries to your designated supervisor.

Not Injured     Did Not Witness     Was Injured     Did Witness     Supervisor Notified

By typing your name in the box below, you are agreeing and signing that all of the above information is true.